Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Awards Presented at Recognition Day

Most Outstanding Academic and Extra Curricular
Josie Furlong and Junior Vickers
Students, staff and community members gathered in the Blackville School gymnasium on Monday, May 28 for the annual Recognition Day.

Highest standing for both Middle School Language Arts and Math went to Ashlyn Moody and Most Improved Middle School Student is Morgan Peterson.

Middle School Male Athlete of the Year is Connor Donovan and Middle School Female Athlete of the Year is Riley Luce.

High School Female and Male Athletes of the Year:
Mandy Colford and Dallas Underhill
The Kathy McCormack Award, recognizing athletes who are great school ambassadors, went to Abby MacRae and Brody Dunnett. Dallas Underhill received Male Athlete of the Year while Female Athlete of the Year is Mandy Colford.

Most Outstanding Academic and Extra-curricular Awards went to Junior Vickers and Josie Furlong.

(Photos by Valeja Birnbach)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

High School Plays Recognized at Drama Festival

Thirty two high school students from Blackville School participated in the annual New Brunswick Drama  Festival on Thursday, April 26.

The Theatre Arts class 120 performed Noise of the Toys while the High School Drama Club performed The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon.

Both plays received recognitions. Noise of the Toys received Special Adjudicator's Mention for Ensemble Work and Comedic Timing as well as Outstanding Use of Costumes. Additionally, grade 12 student Taylar Curtis received an Outstanding Supporting Actor recognition. The director was Mrs. Cheryl Underhill.

The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon received a Special Adjudicator's Mention for Comedic Timing and Grade 12 student Melissa Underhill received an Outstanding Actor recognition. The play was directed by Grade 12 student Michael McNeil

To see more photos from the performances, click here.
Photos by Joshua Laplap

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