Friday, September 21, 2012

Plans Underway for Anti-Bullying Week

A picture is worth a thousand words and photos can go a long way in an anti-bullying awareness campaign. That is why students at Blackville School will create photo posters to promote anti-bullying messages.

Staff and students at Blackville School are planning events and activities for Anti-Bullying Week  from September 24-28.

On Monday students in each homeroom will think of a scene that will be photographed as part of an awareness campaign against bullying. They will also develop a slogan with the photo. The photos will be developed and enlarged and used as posters throughout the school and online to promote anti-bullying.

Along with the anti-bullying poster campaign, daily announcements will appear on the school webpage and on the school televisions.

Wednesday will be pink shirt day and both students and staff are urged to participate and Friday will be blue and gold day to promote school spirit.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Stay tuned!

Students in Journalism 120 are receiving their job assignments for this semester. The Blackville Talon will be updated on a regular basis starting the end of this week (Sept 21).

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