Friday, December 21, 2012

Santa Visits Blackville School

Santa took some time out of his busy festive schedule to spread some holiday cheer at Blackville School on Friday morning, December 21.

Blackville School Elementary Christmas Concert

Bucket Filler December 17-21: Layne Jardine

Layne with Vice- Principal
Mr. Johnston and
Principal Ms. Trudy Brophy-Underhill
This week's Bucket Filler is Layne Jardine from Mrs. Hambrook's grade 2 class. Layne was picked as Bucket Filler for always helping other students and being a friend to everyone.

Congratulations from everyone here at BHS. Keep up the great work!

A student from kindergarten to grade three is recognized as Bucket Filler of the Week on a bi-weekly basis.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Students discuss what they like about the Christmas season

Bucket Filler for December 10-14: Caidan Duffy

This week's Bucket Filler of the Week is Caidan Duffy from Mrs. Lyons' grade 2/3 class. Caidan was picked as Bucket Filler of Week for being very kind to others and for always being helpful in the classroom.

Congratulations from everyone here at BHS. Keep up the great work!

A student from kindergarten to grade three is recognized as Bucket Filler of the Week on a bi-weekly basis.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Student of the Week - Rachel Patles

Student of the Week for December 7th is Rachel Patles from Madame Jen's grade 5 class. Rachel was picked as student of the week for always trying her best, being helpful in the classroom and always getting along with others.

A student from grade four or five is selected Student of the Week on a bi-weekly basis.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Middle School Students Participate In Dots For Kids Day, A Mental Health Awareness Campaign

Last Friday, December 7, the middle school participated in the Dots For Kids Day: Ring A Bell Campaign.  All middle schools across the province participated.  A little before 12 noon the middle school students went to the gym to ring a bell to support kids mental health awareness.  For more information check out the website at

*To see more photos from the day's events, CLICK HERE!

Friday, December 7, 2012

2013 Calendars Now Available

The grade 5 students sport shades
and summer clothing for the month of  July.
Once again this year, Blackville School is selling a calendar for the new year. The 2013 calendars are now available at the school office for $10.00.

The full colour calendar features the homeroom classes in different themes for each month.

In the new year, K-5, 6-8 and 9-12 photos will be independently judged, and a prize will be rewarded to the winning classes for each grade level.

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