Friday, October 14, 2011

Universities overtake local High School Gym

By Nathalie Sturgeon
Photos taken by Nathalie Sturgeon

Grade 12 students of Blackville School travelled to Miramichi Valley High School for Atlantic Association of Registrars and Admissions Officers (AARAO). A variety of colleges and universities were in attendance.

Student TJ Donohue said “I liked how the recruits provided us with information we didn’t know.” Taylar Curtis added by saying that she liked that recruiters showed a genuine interesting in students and were eager to help you.

James Vickers said he found after visiting this expo that he was easily able to narrow down his choice to one specific university based on the attitude and information provided by the representatives.

The AARAO provided students with an in-depth look at their futures, and succeeded in helping them make informed decision.

In this picture:
Lindsay Sullivan
Sarah-Beth Hayes
Kennedy Coughlan
Ashley Coughlan
Michael McNeil

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