Friday, November 25, 2011

Students take a heavy look at methamphetamines

By Nathalie Sturgeon

A “Synthetic Drug Presentation” was held at Blackville School on November 21. The presentation was held by School District 16 and City of Miramichi Police Force.

Two RCMP officers, Cpl. Girouard and Cst. Fergusson and emergency room doctor Dr. John McCann were on hand to inform students about the harmful effects of drugs.

There were four main drugs that were the focus of this presentation: Crystal meth, ecstasy tablets, ketamine and GHB. Each drug was identified and given clear explanation of what they were and what they can do to a person’s body.

Students were shown real life instances of people who were affected by methamphetamines, videos and pictures were used to display the tragedies that befall people and their families every day.

McCann also said that a high percentage of people who use meth for the first time get addicted. The main message given by both the RCMP and McCann was “Be smart- don’t start.”

Grade 12 student Debora Gilliespie said that the pictures were most effective because they were a true testament of what happens. Gilliespie said that the babies, or “silent victims” of drug abuse stood out the most to her because she couldn’t understand how someone could do that to someone so innocent.

In photo: Marissa Donohue, Melissa Underhill, Cst. Fergusson, Dr.McCann, Ashley Coughlan, Valeja Burnbach (Photo by Nathalie Sturgeon)

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