Thursday, December 19, 2013

People's Picks!

Student of the Week:
This week's student of the week goes out to Tristen Pitre. Tristen is a grade 12 student that works very hard in all his classes and was nominated by Mr. Grattan.

Teacher of the Week:
Teacher of the week is Mrs. O'Keefe. We asked Mrs. O'Keefe where she studied, what she likes best about her job and what she likes to do on her spare time. She said "I studied at UNB, my favorite thing about my job is the students and in my spare time I like to spend time with my family."

                                                      Staff of the Week:

This week's staff of the week goes out to Diana Hallihan. Diana got chosen for staff of the week because of her hard work as a custodian. We asked her what she likes best about her job and what she likes to do in her spare time. She told us "what I like best about my job is  meeting all the new students and in my spare time I like to do outdoors activities with my family."

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