Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Middle School Students of the Month (April)

Courtney Donahue (8O)
Courtney is a great student who always puts her full effort into
everything she does. She has been a great leader and fundraiser for the upcoming Gr8 trip!
Her hard work does not go unnoticed. Keep it up, Courtney!

Chloe Curtis (8M)
Chloe is an especially kind and helpful student who is thoughtful and shows leadership skills.
Chloe shows outstanding effort in anything she does and is a hard working student. 

Deanna Nordin (7M)
Deanna is always friendly and willing to help others in need. She is especially hard working,
showing outstanding effort in everything she does.

Macully Gillespie (6D)
Macully is hard working and shows respect for others. He has shown great academic
improvement and outstanding effort in his studies.

Patrick Donovan (7W)
Patrick shows great leadership skills and works hard during class.
He always tries his best and does very well in school.

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