Tuesday, October 6, 2015

High School Students Hold Pep-Rally

Blackville School had their annual pep-rally for the senior boy's first home game of the year against CNBA. The rally was held on October 1. Riley Keenan started the game off with three goals and followed with singles from Jonah Peterson and Wyatt Vickers, the boy's won with the final score of 5-1.

Brooke Underhill, the President of Student council, said, " I think that the pep rally went really well. I was really impressed by the students' participation. It was a great way to pump everyone up for the boys' soccer game after school. I can't wait for more chances to do different things this year, as it creates memories that we can take with us when we leave Blackville School."

Students found the pep-rally was very entertaining and most if not all of the students participated in the fun activities, such as Human Foosball. At the beginning of the rally, Amelia Underhill sang  O Canada and then the rest of the high school joined in.

Many of the students all agreed that the pep-rally was a great way to start off the year and get the students involved and excited for upcoming events. To see photos from the event, click here.

Article by: DeAnna Donovan
Video by: Marc Munn and Sydney Grattan
Photos by: Laura Jardine, Jules Keenan and Michael Waugh

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