Wednesday, December 16, 2015

People's Picks (Dec. 7-11)

Teacher of the week is Ms. Underhill. Ms. Underhill is a great teacher that is well liked by the students. Sometimes, if you're lucky, she'll even give you candy. So make sure to stop in for a say! For Christmas, she said she would love to get clothes. Her favourite type of music is country music and her song is "Amnesia." Also her favourite colour is blue.
Staff member of the week is Mrs. Moody. Mrs. Moody works great with her students and is always around in case you need someone to talk to. Ask Philip Underhill about her. He'll tell you that she is a very nice lady. He spends more time in her class then in his actual class. For Christmas all she wants is for her friends to be healthy and happy. Her favourite colour is blue. Her favourite type of of music is rock, and her favourite band is Aerosmith.
Delanie is student of the week. Ms. Coughlan is a hard working and funny grade 10 student. She is always in good spirits. Her favourite colours are pink and green. Her favourite type of music is "Kenny and Dolly's Christmas."

Written and photos by Amelia Underhill, Philip Underhill, Jacob Donahue

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