Monday, June 20, 2016

Grade 8 Students Celebrate with Banquet and Dance

The grade 8 banquet was held at Blackville School on the evening of June 16. It was a fun filled evening with presentations of “The Grade 8 Fun Awards," a meal of pizza, garlic fingers and a sundae buffet.

Each grade 8 student invited two guests and Middle School staff were also in attendance. 

Grade 8 student Abby Keenan welcomed everyone and grade 8 students Danaya Campbell and Cassidy Urquhart lead the crowd in a grace. The presenters for the evening were Grade 8 students Shana Jardine and Daniel MacVicar.

The banquet concluded with each student receiving their grade 8 certificate and Blackville School t-shirt. Grade 8 student Calvin Keenan offered the thank-you with an invitation to celebrate the rest of the evening at the final Middle School dance. 

The Blackville Middle School Staff extends all the grade 8 students a wonderful summer and best of luck in high school. To see more photos from the banquet and dance, click here

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