Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Middle School Students of the Month

Student of the month for Ms. McEvoy's grade 6 class goes out to Daniel MacVicar. Daniel is hard working. He is especially kind and helpful, and he has outstanding effort and he shows his respect for others in his class and throughout the school. 

Madison Betts was chosen as student of the month for Mrs. Moody's class because she is hard working, and she shows leadership skills!

Student of the month for Mr. Johnston's homeroom class goes out to Richard Cosgrove. Richard is hard working; he has academic improvements, and he has an outstanding effort towards his work in classes at school.

Julie Jardine was chosen as student of the month for Mrs. Waugh's class because she is hard working, especially kind and helpful and she is very thoughtful!

Student of the month for Mrs. O'Keefe's homeroom class is Maguire Gillespie. Mrs. O'Keefe said, "As a student in math 8O, Maguire is willing to help others once he is finished his work. When assigned work Maguire is one of the students to attempt the task and in most cases willing to share his findings with the class. He is very kind, mannerly, hard-working and a joy to have in my class!"

Jules Keenan was chosen as student of the month for Ms. Steeves class because she is hard working, especially kind and helpful, and especially thoughtful. She shows leadership skills and shows respect for others. 

Compiled by Maghen Nash, Keisha Mountain and Karlee Coughlan

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