Friday, October 4, 2013

Middle School Students of the Month - September 2013

Grade 6Mc
The student of the month for that was chosen for Mrs. McEvoy's class was Cassidy Urquhart. Cassidy is hard working and puts forth an outstanding effort in her class work and homework. As well, she is kind and helpful towards her classmates. Cassidy is a pleasure to teach.

Grade 6M
The student of the month that was chosen for Mrs. Moody's class was Shana Jardine. Shana is a pleasure to have in Mrs. Moody's class. She is a role model for other students as she displays a strong work ethic and actively participates in class. "What a great start to grade 6, Shana,"  said Mrs. Moody.

Student of the month for Mrs. Waugh's class was Piper Duffy. Mrs. Waugh said, "It was a very difficult decision to make for  7W's  September Student Of The Month. There were so many deserving students; however, the one to stand out this month was Piper Duffy. She is very hard worker with a very good academic record. Also, she is very polite and kind. She is a wonderful role model for her peers and I am very pleased to have her in my homeroom."

Grade 7J
The student of the month that was chosen for Mr. Johnston's class was Logan Crawford. Mr. Johnston said, " Logan Crawford is a very dedicated student.  He is working hard in class and demonstrates a very positive attitude.  Keep up the great work, Logan!"

Grade 8S
The student of the month for Mrs. Steeves's class was Kassidy Lyons.  Kassidy is the student of the month in 8S because of her warm and helping personality. She comes to homeroom and class with a smile on her face and a continual willingness to help. Her presence in the classroom is positive and caring. She is a great student and friend. 

Grade 8O
The student of the month for Mrs. O'Keefe's class was Eve Pond. Eve has put a great amount of time and interest into her daily work and is willing to help others without disrupting the classroom environment.  All homework is done correctly, neatly and without any complaints.

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