Monday, February 9, 2015

Middle School Students of the Month (January)

Nick Donovan (Grade 6)
 Nick is hard working and is always willing to help others.
He is extremely kind and considerate.
He is also an amazing creative artist.

Cody Maillet (Grade 7W)
Cody is hard working and especially kind and helpful. 

(No Photo) Aisha Jardine (Grade 7M)
Aisha is hard working and very thoughtful, kind and helpful. 
She shows respect for others.

Maggie Jardine (Grade 8O)
Maggie is hard working, and she is especially thoughtful
and helpful. She displays leadership skills and always makes
an outstanding effort. 

Chloe Donovan (Grade 8M)
Chloe is hard working, and she is especially kind and helpful.
She shows leadership skills and has respect for others. 

Photos by Kailey Donovan

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