Thursday, February 19, 2015

Winter Carnival Activities at Blackville School

Student Council Executive members Ashlyn Moody and Brook
Underhill with members of the Timberwolves Hockey Team who
visited the school on Wednesday, February 18.
                                                            (Photo by Jules Keenan)
Despite the stormy weather, this past week was a busy one at Blackville School. The elementary students and guests enjoyed a pancake breakfast on Wednesday morning and then were visited by the members of the Miramichi Timberwolves Hockey Team.

Both the high school and middle school students had Much Music dances on Wednesday evening. The high school students engaged in different winter carnival activities at noon hour this week.

Theme days were also held during the week including: Hick Wednesday, Throw Back Thursday, and PJs Friday.

To see photos from some of the different activities, click here.

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