Friday, April 24, 2015

A Trip to Geneva

Front Row (L-R): Zoe Tozer, Kaylyn Stoddard, Gabrielle Saulnier,
Abby Beale, Alyssa Goguen, Gabrielle Martin, Deanna Fraser
Back Row (L-R): David O'Leary, Karlee Stoddard, Olivia King,
Madison Pendleton, Lauryn Delaney, Erin Moody, Julia Murray, 
Sophie Fraser, Reaghan O'Leary, Grace Ashfield,
Jenna Leighton, David Peterson
Grade nine Blackville School student Erin Moody and a group of other young female hockey players from the Maritimes went to Geneva, Switzerland during the week of April 6.

They were there to participate in an International Hockey Tournament called the Geneve Hockey Challenge for youth under 15.

This is the first time any team from the Maritime provinces has participated in this challenge. This challenge features teams from Europe's biggest countries including Russia, Sweden, Finland. etc.

According to an interview, by Terry Seguin on CBC Information Morning-Fredericton, David Peterson set up the V-Red Prospects program seven years ago. Most of the players who went to Geneva participated in this program.

Erin said she was very excited when she found out she was invited to the challenge. Playing on an Olympic hockey rink was her favourite part of the trip.

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