Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Drinking and Driving Victim Shares Emotional Story

Grade 12 students Ashley Vickers (l)
and Moranda Frenette (r)  with Guest
Speaker Charline Manuel
Charline Manuel of Baie-Sainte-Anne was a guest speaker at Blackville School on April 28. Manuel spoke to the high school students about her traumatic experience that resulted from drinking and driving.

Manuel told the students that in 2002 she was hit and then dragged by a drunk driver's truck while out walking one evening.

She showed pictures of the injuries she sustained, and she explained how she went through 31 surgeries and the recovery process. She told the students that she still has constant pain as a result of the injuries, but she is grateful to be alive.

Manuel told the students she hoped her story will make them think twice and that they will never drink and drive.

Students try out the Vision Impairment
Goggles to experience how alcohol
affects vision and eye coordination.
As Manuel shared her story with the students, they were very quiet and attentive. Many students commented that they found Manuel's story very powerful and emotional.

Manuel speaks to many different groups and schools and has made it her mission to share her story with as many young people as she can.

She was recognized by MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) in 2010 when she received their John G. BatesVolunteer Award.

by Riley Sherrard
Photos by Jules Keenan

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