Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Blackville School Holds Remembrance Day Ceremony

Elementary Choir singing
"Why Do We Have Remembrance Day"
The Blackville school hosted the annual Remembrance day ceremony in the gym on Tuesday, November 10.

Students from K-12 participated in the event with many of them dressing in red and wearing a poppy on their chest.

The Blackville School Girls Choir opened the ceremony by singing “O Canada”. The students, staff and special guests were welcomed by Bree Hallihan and Chase Connors. The opening prayer was done by Father Laskey, followed by “Amazing Grace” sung by The Blackville School Girls Choir.

Readers were Calvin Keenan and Jules Keenan.

The assembly also heard performances from the Elementary Choir “Why Do We Have Remembrance Day?” followed by “Musical Memories from the World War” from the Blackville School Jazz Band and Grade 9T Class Band.

The ceremony ended with the wreath laying and the Last Post, followed by two minutes of silence and a closing and thank you from students Jayda MacDonald and Braden Burke.

A reception for the special guests was held following the ceremony. It was hosted by the High School Culinary class.

For more photos from the event, click here

Article by Amelia Underhill
Photos by Cassidy Jay and Jules Keenan

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