Tuesday, November 3, 2015

New Mountain Bike Club Enjoys End of Season Run

The bikers all ready for their run.
Mr. Paul Mackinnon, a new staff member to the Physical Education Department at Blackville School, started a Mountain Bike Club this fall for grades 6, 7 and 8.

When he found out that he would be coming to Blackville School he was really excited because he wanted to start a bike club to teach young bikers the skills and how to drive a bike properly.

When he started at MVHS in 1998 he began a biking club and did it for the next 13 years. He enjoys teaching the students how to drive mountain bikes.

He has also taught grades 4 and 5 how to drive mountain bikes while teaching at MVHS.

The Mountain Biking Club met once a week this fall with regular attendance of 9-12 members.

Mackinnon provides bikes and helmets for each rider, but they are also allowed to bring their own bikes.

The bikers recently had an end of the season run to French Fort Cove on Thursday, October 22, 2015.

Contributed photos. Article by DeAnna Donovan
Coewan Munn

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